Reincarnation and PLR

Reincarnation is a vehicle for spiritual evolution. The idea of reincarnation has been commonplace in Hinduism and Buddhism, but also has been embraced by most major religions at one time in their history.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in reincarnation or not for a past life journey to be effective. It does matter, however, that you believe in the healing power of your subconscious mind. Jung developed a technique that he called active imagination – an interaction with the subconscious. The aim is to allow the image to come to life of its own autonomous psychic energy, our ego letting go of all expectations, presuppositions, or interpretations. The literal truth of a story is not of import, its psychological truth is.

Often it is necessary for the individual to fully experience a past life trauma. It is necessary for the body to be made aware so the trauma can be fully released cathartically. Complex feelings and thoughts revolving around guilt, failure, etc. may need to be brought to the surface, expressed, and relinquished.

At times, illness and other physical maladies may conceal an old “defeat in life” in symbolic language. These can be released and cleansed using PLR. The old pain is released cathartically. Then you are guided to let go and reverse the old emotional pattern and finally encouraged to remain especially open to this area of vulnerability and not close it off again. In this way, our wounds become our strengths. They make us tolerant of the wounds of others and constantly remind us of our own human frailties. These are what in the East would be called the lessons of karma.

Past life work, with its emphasis on the power of body imagery and the embodied story, can often move symptoms to another level, where resolution occurs.

PLR is a less threatening and indirect way of coming to accept the most difficult parts of ourselves. As you go through the process of reintegrating the past life story back into this life, there are all kinds of opportunities for release, detachment, reconciliation, or self-forgiveness. Insights into the meaning and interrelationships of several past lives and present problems often come spontaneously from the client’s realization and interpretation. Past life work is thoroughly holistic as it works on all three levels (body, mind and spirit).

Many of our present blockages can be traced back to a past life. By experiencing what occurred in the past, we can heal physical and emotional problems. With a past life journey, many have released ailments and phobias, mended relationship difficulties, increased their creativity, and released blockages to abundance. The results can be amazing.

Current estimates are that more than a third of the people alive today believe that the soul is eternal and returns to earth again and again, through rebirth into new bodies, in order to grow and learn. Each lifetime provides a wealth of experiences that allow each of us as spiritual beings to become stronger, more balanced and more loving and eventually to reunite with Spirit.

Reincarnation experiences can occur in many ways. Have you ever had the eerie experience of being in a strange town and feeling a familiarity almost too deep to describe? Have you heard a particular piece of music and felt transported by it? Or, have you ever had a vivid dream about a time in history or a foreign country that seemed extraordinarily familiar and real? All these incidents can have their roots in past lifetimes. Think of past lives not so much as building blocks, but as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle with each piece, or lifetime, making you more knowledgeable and balanced.

The earliest record of reincarnation was in ancient Egypt where the soul was believed to be immortal and that when the body perished, the soul would enter into another human body. Hindus, and Buddhists believe in the cycle of life and death. Pythagoras, Plato and Napoleon all were believers in reincarnation. Reincarnation as a viable personal philosophy is becoming more prevalent in Western culture. The philosophy of reincarnation allows us to understand the way in which we each weave our own destiny.

If you are interested in an amazing spiritual journey, reach out by phone or email to learn more.


(608) 845-2677
sue @


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Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202

(Oct 27 - Nov 2, 2025)
499 W Belleview Ave
Englewood, CO 80110

(May 26 - Jun 14, 2025)
Synergy Co-Working
6709 Raymond Road, Madison, WI 53719