Relationships and PLR

A very important aspect of past life work deals with relationships. Understanding and healing relationship difficulties that have their roots in past lives can help improve the quality of our present relationships. The term soulmate can refer to a deep love for another person – or hatred, envy or spite. It is not reserved for your “one true love,” though it could be such a person. Have you ever had a brief encounter with a stranger, and been positive you knew that person from somewhere, sometime? As soul memories are roused, relationships are rekindled. The effect of these past life experiences can be created again in this life. When we meet again, in this lifetime, it is to relive and rework the relationship.

The underlying principle behind the Eastern concept of karma is: “as ye sow, so shall ye reap.” The current trend is to suggest that inside each of us is an inner scale of justice monitoring our integrity. I believe that we create our own reality as well as our own karma. Essentially, you create difficult situations in your life in order to present yourself with opportunities for growth and learning.

You are what you think; most especially what you don’t know you think. Deep inside your subconscious are fears and beliefs that you have submerged. Yet these fears and beliefs set up inner blocks to fulfillment and will create frustration in your life. It is because your subconscious mind actually directs your reality. Although your conscious mind has the ability to reason and decide what is best for you, it cannot implement any decision unless the subconscious mind agrees. Your subconscious mind accepts programming from a very early age, and also from past lives.

One of the most powerful things you can gain from a past life journey is forgiveness. Often, to be able to heal, you must be willing to forgive the past. It is much easier to forgive those who have hurt you in your present life when you understand the karma that precipitated the situation. It is also just as important to forgive yourself for things you have done to others as well as to yourself.

There are many clues you can obtain about your past lives by exploring your experiences and affinities or aversions to particular types of: clothing styles, architecture, foods, geographical locations, climates, time periods or eras, occupations, talents or abilities, animals, fears and phobias, injuries, diseases and scars as well as profound déjà vu experiences.

Each incarnation is not a separate entity, but more correctly, an integral part of a much greater whole.

If you are interested in an amazing spiritual journey, reach out by phone or email to learn more.


(608) 845-2677
sue @


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Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202

(Oct 27 - Nov 2, 2025)
499 W Belleview Ave
Englewood, CO 80110

(May 26 - Jun 14, 2025)
Synergy Co-Working
6709 Raymond Road, Madison, WI 53719